Ty'at Laki / Ano Vasilieva

The woman stands before you, distinct silver hair draping down her shoulders and back, golden eyes fixated on you...


T'yat Laki was born in Tuliyollal to a X'braal woman and a Highlander man, and as a young child, was a stowaway to Old Sharlayan where she was given the name of Ano Vasilieva, leading her to the adventure that would be her life.


Personal Events

  • Born in Tuliyollal as Ty'at Laki, raised in Sharlayan as Ano Vasilieva.

  • Frequently travels, and friendly enough to strike up conversation with strangers.

  • Studied in the Studium, particularly in magic and aether studies.

  • Employed by the Hunter's Association, and can be hired as arms or a researcher.

Canonical Events

  • Fought alongside the Warrior of Light to restore the Empty to aetherial balance (Eden questline).

  • Defended Thavnair alongside her husband and free company in the events of the Final Days.

OOC Info & Thanks!

Thank you for reading through my character's Carrd! I go by Mae, and I live in the PST timezones and with my schedule, you'll most likely catch me in the later evenings on workdays and I'll be online on most of my off-days!Because some RP topics can range into more mature, darker themes, I ask that all RP partners are above the age of 18 for everyone's comfort!My main style of roleplay revolves around adventure and plots, though I am more than fine with one-shot meetings and conversations. I love writing with people, so feel free to send a tell in-game or ask for my Discord to contact me there!You also can find my Twitter @ Magnovus!